This is the first of two spaniel portraits, these are welsh springer spaniels, a lighter brown than the liver and white spaniel portraits I’m used to. Always lovely to work with such pretty eyes, pastels are perfect for animal portraits.
Just adding the final touches to this lovely Vizsla pastel portrait, what a beautiful pose to work from. Alway tricky getting the right ‘brown’ but hopefully this one is coming along well.
I’ve enjoyed painted these two, they make a great pair. It’s always difficult painting brown dogs because the colour changes so much depending on the light. I was lucky enough to meet these two, though, which always helps me understand their individual colouring and characters.
Kipling came to visit for his portrait, a lovely kind faced boxer. I’m glad his owners are as pleased as me with the portrait.
I’ve never been asked to draw a Cao da Serra de Aires portrait before, these two live in Jersey and I’ve enjoyed drawing them. Here’s a bit more about them, taken from the website shown below. ‘The standard was recognized in 1932 by the Clube Portugues de Canicultura.The Serra de Aires Dog is quite popular …
Any ideas for recycling pencil sharpenings?!
A great set of eyes, pastels are the perfect medium for drawing eyes. Still lots to do but I’m happy with it so far.
These two happy black labrador owners came to pick up their new portrait. They said they liked it because ‘it looks just like them at home’. Thanks boys.
This lovely terrier makes a great portrait, she’s still handful even at 13! Thanks for sending the photo, Vick, I’m glad your Mum loved it, I liked drawing him too. Its always tricky getting white dogs to look white but not too flat.
This is day 1 for one of my students on paper she stretched 20 years ago. Having packed away her art materials to return to work after children, it didn’t take long to revive her skills! What a fantastic result!