I’ve loved the community that has grown up around my online soft pastel workshop and I’m so excited to share my second Summer Series of workshops. I hope you’ll enjoy working with me to continue building skills and confidence over the Summer 2023. I’ll be covering the topics listed below as well as areas that come up during the workshops. You can buy all 4 or individual workshops, depending on your preference. You can join at any stage as the workshops are all recorded so you can catch up on missed weeks.

My two hour demonstrations, will, as before, show you my process, meaning you can learn from techniques that I will explain and demonstrate. You’ll learn some pastel techniques which you can use for your own projects and develop artwork taking inspiration from scenes that I’ll share with you. 

I’m keeping our group small, you will find as well as enjoying your development as an artist, you will also be part of our friendly online community.

  • I will be recording demonstrations for flexibility, so you can watch at a time to suit you or at a pace that suits you. Take as long as you need to complete the workshop.
  • You can either access the workshops via Zoom or on Facebook – let me know which you prefer.
  • I have set up a special Facebook Group for people to share and gain feedback and support on your artworks from me and our online friends. 

I will be using Unison Colour Soft Pastels on specialist sanded pastel cards with liquid to create painted pastels. Click here to read more about my suggested materials list. The list below gives you an outline of what we’ll cover. We’ll add to it along the way, responding and adapting as we find new topics to inspire us.

I’ve created a special discount, a way of saying thank you for your support and enthusiasm. The 2 hour courses are £16.00 each or when you buy the 4 Week Summer Series, there’s a 15% discount applied, so it’s £54.00 for 6 sessions, rather than the full price of 64.00.


WEEK 1 Challaborough beach SOFT PASTEL WORKSHOP – 

Live Session – 18th April 10 am – 12 UK Time

Perfect your sunset colours and dunes with this beautiful beach scene. We’re working with dry pastels, just to show the versatility of soft pastels. I’ve chosen Sennellier Le Carte but you can use Pastelmat. Plus, it’s all recorded so you can repeat and work at you own time and pace.

Soft pastel of Challaborough
Soft pastel workshop of Challaborough


2nd May 10 am – 12 UK time

Welcome spring flowers with this artwork, a chance to refresh your foliage skills and Bluebells in soft pastel. You can order my bespoke Bluebell set here. Create depth in your forest views with a few of my favourite techniques. You’ll love my tips for creating a vibrant glow in your Bluebell views. I’ll also be sharing with you tips for discovering ways to find a composition in your daily walk. Plus, it’s all recorded so you can repeat and work at you own time and pace.

Bluebells in soft pastel by NIna Squire
Blubells in soft pastel


16th May 10 am – 12 UK Time

Cornish rocks and seaspray on a sparkling emerald sea. Rocks are a challenge but I am sharing my best tips for creating craggy surfaces that look wet with sea spray. That emerald sea show some of the best qualities of Unison Colour soft pastel, I’ll share my best tips for keeping those colours fresh. Plus, it’s all recorded so you can repeat and work at you own time and pace.

Soft pastel workshop to create seascape of Harlyn Bay
Harlyn bay and seaspray


6th June 10 am – 12 UK Time 

This could be any island view but I’m lucky enough, it’s just down the road in Poole Harbour. Shell Bay captures the most iconic sunsets in Poole Harbour. For me, it was the tree silhouettes against the sky. They really are a delight to capture along with the sweep of shoreline.

Sunflowers in soft pastels
Sunflowers in soft pastels