Soft pastels workshops in 2024
Thank you for your patience whilst I catch up after breaking my leg earlier this year. Newly released my online workshops in Autumn 2024. Book your spot here or read more about the topics that will be covered.
You can catch up on Spring 2024, 5 online workshops in a series that can be taken together or individually.
Catch up on the Autumn 2023 or Summer Series 2023 –
Search for workshops based on topic or subject.
I’ve loved the community that has grown up around my online soft pastel workshop. I hope you’ll enjoy working with me to continue building skills and confidence. I’ll be covering the topics listed below as well as areas that come up during the workshops. You can buy individual workshops in 2024, depending on your preference. You can join at any stage as the workshops are all recorded so you can catch up on missed weeks.
My two hour demonstrations, will, as before, show you my process, meaning you can learn from techniques that I will explain and demonstrate. You’ll learn some pastel techniques which you can use for your own projects and develop artwork taking inspiration from scenes that I’ll share with you.
I’m keeping our group small, you will find as well as enjoying your development as an artist, you will also be part of our friendly online community.
- I will be recording demonstrations for flexibility, so you can watch at a time to suit you or at a pace that suits you. Take as long as you need to complete the workshop.
- You can either access the workshops via Zoom or on Facebook – let me know which you prefer.
- I have set up a special Facebook Group for people to share and gain feedback and support on your artworks from me and our online friends.
I will be using Unison Colour Soft Pastels on specialist sanded pastel cards with liquid to create painted pastels. Click here to read more about my suggested materials list. The list below gives you an outline of what we’ll cover. We’ll add to it along the way, responding and adapting as we find new topics to inspire us.
Here’s one of my favourite series, you can catch up using the recordings. I’ve created a special discount, a way of saying thank you for your support and enthusiasm. The sessions are £16.00 each or when you buy the 6 Week Spring Series, there’s a 10% discount applied, so it’s £86.00 for 6 sessions, rather than the full price of 96.00.
Spring Series 2023 – nina Squire
Week 1 Brownsea Light Soft Pastel Workshop –
Live Session – 10th January 10 am – 12 UK Time
Get your soft pastel art mojo back after the Christmas break. This will be a great way to refresh your skills and a great confidence builder. We’ll cover techniques in pastel painting, alongside selecting a colour palette that captures warm sunsets and glistening sands I’ll be sharing my tips, step by step. The sand is especially important in this artwork and I’ll show you how I build up layers of colour to keep marks loose.

Week 2 Forest View – Soft Pastel workshop Live session –
24th January 10 am – 12 UK time
Foliage can be daunting. My best tips on foliage and use those trees to suggest distance and depth. You’ll feel confident on capturing all the delights of a tumbling hedgerow.

Week 3 Evening stroll – Workshop Live Session –
7th February 10 am – 12 UK Time
Buildings need not be daunting. I’ll use this lovely evening view to show you how to simplify shapes and capture perspective. Plus, we can enjoy the magic of creating glowing lights and reflections, it’s a technique that soft pastels love!

Week 4 Shell Bay – Soft pastel workshop Live session –
21st February 10 am – 12 UK Time
This could be any island view but I’m lucky enough, it’s just down the road in Poole Harbour. Shell Bay captures the most iconic sunsets in Poole Harbour. For me, it was the tree silhouettes against the sky. They really are a delight to capture along with the sweep of shoreline.

Week 5 Mountain sunset – pastel workshop Live session –
7th March 10 am – 12
The evening light is always beautiful but coupled with a mountain view, it’s magical. These subtle colour changes can be tricky, so I’ve included this image to help you tackle the most challenging of views.

Week 6 Meadow magic Live session 21th March 10am – 12 UK Time
Welcome spring with this artwork, a chance to refresh your foliage and flowers in soft pastel. Create depth in your meadow views with a few of my favourite techniques. I’ll also be sharing with you tips for discovering ways to find a composition in your daily walk.